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英文名称:Sichuan province made kuping seven COINS two guangxu yuan treasure






背面:此枚光绪元宝四川省造“库平七钱二分”银币。该币正面珠圈内镌汉文和满文“光绪元宝”字样,上缘书写“四川省造”四字,下镌“库平七钱二分”八字,两旁无花,为早期版本,背面蟠龙居中偏右,外圈为英文,上镌有“YUN NAN PROVINCE”英文,两旁镌四瓣花,一说是长寿花,寓意长寿;一说则是梅花,寓意在严冬中屹立的大清帝国;下缘“:7 MACE AND 2 CANDAREENS”字样,龙眼有睛,表现压力十足,正反面有明显的氧化银包浆,为黑色包浆,是开门真品钱币,且品相完美,无磕无残,具有极高的收藏价值。


龙内有睛是鉴定银币真伪的细节点,一般仿品做不到这样的细节处理,一般仿品都是模糊不清线条不清晰,眼睛中间无凹陷,内行话来讲就是说的压力不够,而这枚真品钱币是十分精美生动的,龙有了睛才叫活龙,古代画龙自古就有点睛的说法,这枚银币正反两面均经“镜面”处理,冲打力十足,龙目,龙鳞,龙背之小尖刺,周身祥云,文字都非常清晰。此枚钱币铸工精湛,品相精美,整体图案及字体非常工整,蟠龙鬓毛、龙鳞清晰可见,非常精细,压力位十足。整体 线条清晰,无磕缺,变形,损坏,是钱币品相中的美品,是不可多的收藏级银币。

英文翻译:Guangxu yuan Bao was one of the COINS circulated during the Reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. Zhang Zhidong, governor of Hubei province and Guangdong Province, took the lead in introducing British coinage machines to cast silver and copper COINS, which were then followed by other provinces. A total of 19 provincial bureau casting, except the central ministry of households, the local province of the cast copper yuan, all engraved on the front edge of the province name.

Guangxu yuan Bao is the first large denomination currency circulated in Guangxu Year of the Qing Dynasty. It is one of the first circulating currencies introduced overseas technology in China, and it also has certain historical significance for today. Guangdong province made guangxu silver piece in the history of modern Chinese machine COINS belong to a big series, the casting period lasted very long (in the guangxu 34 years guangxu 22 years - [1896] 1908), after more than ten years, coin change several times, even if the same year also often since repairing mold, material, technology, factory management, and many other factors, causing abnormal bottle multifarious.

Silver for us ordinary people is a very strange, we know now is the first set of RMB (now a set of more than eight hundred) in the second set of RMB, and so on, our current collection is from the fourth set, the fifth set of RMB even start to collect, the more ancient times silver value higher, more beautiful, if is predestined friends the collection, the space is larger.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Sichuan Province kuping seven COINS two Guangxu ingot

English name: Kuping Seven COINS two guangxu Yuan treasure made in Sichuan province

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one piece

Date: Qing Dynasty

Appearance: Beautiful

On the front: the beads engraved with Chinese and Manchu characters "Guangxu Yuan Bao", the upper edge engraved with four characters "Made in Sichuan Province", the lower engraved with six characters "Kuping Seven Qian two", both sides of the longevity flowers, the teeth are clear without even teeth, and the teeth, the lines are clear, the font is thin gold type, extremely exquisite, it is an early version, very rare.

Back: This Guangxu ingot made in Sichuan province "Kuping seven COINS two cents" silver. The coin engrave Chinese positive bead circles and manchu words "guangxu silver piece", on the edge to write "made in sichuan PROVINCE" four words, engrave the "library flat seven binary" eight words, no flowers on both sides, for the early version, on the back of the panlong centre-right, outer ring for English, engrave has "YUN NAN PROVINCE" English, engrave on four petals, a macrobian flower, meaning long life; One is plum blossom, meaning standing in the severe winter of the Qing Empire; "7 MACE AND 2 CANDAREENS" on the lower edge, longan has eyes, showing full pressure, the front AND back have obvious silver oxide wrapped paste, is black wrapped paste, is the real coin, AND the quality is perfect, no damage AND no damage, has a high collection value.

Expert Comments (Genuine)

Dragon inside the eye is silver authenticity identification points, the details of the general replicas can't do that detail processing, general replicas are blurry line is not clear, eyes middle sag, adept words means that the pressure is not enough, and that the real coin is very vivid, the dragon had eyes was a live dragon, ancient old picture dragon dot eyeball, on both sides of the coin are processed by the "mirror", strong beat, dragon, dragon scales, dragon back small spikes, general xiangyun, words are very clear. This coin is exquisitely cast, the appearance is exquisite, the overall pattern and font are very neat, the hair on the temples and scales of dragons are clearly visible, very fine, the pressure is very high. The whole line is clear, no knock, deformation, damage, is the beauty of COINS in the phase, is not much of the collection of silver.


标签: guangxu dragon province

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