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英文名称:Double dragon and longevity COINS












袁大头是民国时期主要流通货币之一,“袁大头”是对袁世凯像系列硬币的口语俗称,严谨点说叫“袁世凯像背嘉禾银币”。北洋政府为了整顿币制,划一银币,于民国三年(1914年)二月,颁布《国币条例》十三条,决定实行银本位制度。《国币条例》规定:“以库平纯银六钱四分八厘为价格之单位,定名为圆”,“一圆银币,总重七钱二分,银八九,铜一一”,“一圆银币用数无限制”,即以一圆银币为无限法偿的本位贷币。根据这一规定,于1914年12月及1915年2月, 先后由造币总厂及江南造币厂开铸一圆银币,币面镌刻袁世凯头像,俗称“袁头币”或“袁大头”。



英文名称:Yuan dazhong in the third year of the republic of China







下面(背面)为嘉禾之图案,[5] 古称生长奇异的禾,古人以之为吉祥的征兆。亦泛指生长茁壮的禾稻。典出《书·微子之命》:“ 唐叔 得禾,异亩同颖,献诸天子。铸在钱币之上寓意国家重视农桑、以民生为本;其另一思想取其家和之谐音,寓意”家和万事兴“之意;


民国成立后,银元流通状况混乱,种类繁多,成色不一,难于统一管理,民国三年财政部公布《中华民国国币条例》,整顿统一货币,规定民国三年袁世凯头像银币一元为本位币。有一元 、中元 、二角 、一角等值,版别有无签字 、边齿185道直线 、179道


英文翻译:The following (back side) is the design of jiahe, [5] ancient said the growth of strange grass, the ancients to it as an auspicious sign. Also refers to the growing rice. Dian out of the book · the life of the micro son: "tang shu he, different mu with ying, dedicated to the son of heaven. Cast on the coin implies that the country attaches importance to agriculture and mulberry, to the people's livelihood; Its another thought takes its homophony of home and means "home and everything";

After the establishment of the republic of China, the silver dollar circulation situation is chaotic, various types, color is different, difficult to unify the management, the ministry of finance in the third year of the republic of China promulgated the "regulations of the republic of China currency", rectify the unified currency, the provisions of the third year of the yuan shikai head silver dollar for the standard currency. There are one yuan, yuan, two jiao, one dime equivalent, version without signature, 185 lines, 179 lines

On the coinage of the government has a peaceful and prosperous, auspicious and wishful vision, folk collection, meaning "home and everything" auspicious treasure, so it has a high value of collection and research. Guangxu yuan treasure house in guangdong province was made of seven COINS and two silver COINS, which were said to be cast for the empress dowager cixi's 70th birthday. According to legend, only 30,000 pieces were minted at that time, among which kuping weighed one or two thousand pieces, and kuping seven COINS two twenty thousand pieces. This guangxu yuan treasure house in guangdong province only minted two versions before and after the seven COINS and two silver COINS.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: double dragon coin

English name: Double dragon and longevity COINS

Category: miscellaneous

Specification: 1 piece

Phase: beauty

The front of the coin is divided into two parts, the inner ring and the outer ring, with the bead ring as the boundary, the inner ring is engraved with "guangxu yuan bao" four characters, the outer ring is divided into the top and bottom two parts. Top engraved with "made in guangdong province" four regular script, the fine print at the bottom is this coin currency at that time - "library flat seven money 2", between the bottom and top, regular script of guangxu wing four words, layout design is obvious and common coin slightly unusual, not only is extremely delicate and lovely, and it is the rare treasures of art collectors.

The front of the coin is bounded by a bead ring, which can be divided into two parts: outside the bead ring, the top end is "made in guangdong province" four characters, the bottom is "kuping seven COINS two" five characters, left and right sides each cast a bat pattern, with auspicious meaning; Within the circle of pearls, there are four characters of "guangxu yuan bao" in manchu and Chinese. The reverse side is also bounded by a bead ring: outside the bead ring, there is a double dragon pattern; Inside the bead ring, there is a cast round "life" character. Guangdong province makes double dragon longevity word coin production exquisite, regular script script calligraphy is extremely dignified atmosphere, the structure of the balance stretch, in the dragon ocean second to none, is a household name rare silver coin treasure, collection value and appreciation space are worth looking forward to.

Look at the opposite side of the coin, is divided into inner ring and outer ring of two parts, is not the same, the outer ring on both sides of the coin has a bat and dragon pattern, is a symbol of good fortune as one wishes, because bats "bat" word "fu" pronunciation is the same with happiness, so will its cast on the back of the coin, because the dragon is a symbol of imperial power, so it shows a blessing, and shows the majesty of imperial power, also with the inner ring of the life of words, present a "live long and proper" good, is meaning deep, is worth to savor Tibetan friends.

Double dragon life word coin according to the slightly different bat pattern, can be divided into two versions. The main difference lies in the engraving of the upper lines of bat wings, one is the bat wings cast Yin lines, lines dense, known as "Yin version", the other is the bat wings cast raised Yang lines, lines sparse, known as "Yang version".

Experts say that the life character coin is different from the simple market transaction currency, but in the qing dynasty for the royal country pro birthday production of a coin, according to the coin bat pattern slightly different, currently only two edition on the market is not the real article. The difference between them mainly lies in the carving of the upper lines of bat wings, one is called "Yin version" of the bat wings cast Yin lines, and the other is called "Yang version" of the bat wings cast raised Yang lines.

Yuan big head is one of the main currency in the republic of China period, "yuan big head" is the colloquial common name of the series of COINS like yuan shikai, the strict point said called "yuan shikai like back jiahe silver coin". In order to rectify the monetary system, the beiyang government issued article 13 of the national monetary regulations in February of the third year of the republic of China (1914) and decided to implement the silver standard system. "National currency regulation" regulation: "with kuping sterling silver six money four cent eight cent for the price of the unit, the name is yuan", "a silver coin, the total weight of seven money two, silver nine nine, copper one", "a silver coin with the number of unlimited", that is, with a silver coin for the infinite method of standard loan money. According to this regulation, in December 1914 and February 1915, the coinage general factory and jiangnan mint successively began to cast a round silver coin, engraved with the head of yuan shikai, commonly known as "yuan tou yuan" or "yuan dun".

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: yuan daodong in the third year of the republic of China

English name: Yuan dazhong in the third year of the republic of China

Category: miscellaneous

Specification: 1 piece

Phase: beauty

The front of the third edition of the republic of China is the profile of yuan shikai. After the word "year" there is no "made" word, the other version of the year are in the "year" after the word there is a "made" word. There is a "dot" in the three - year version of "min", while there is no "dot" in other years. Minting less is a rare currency in yuan's head.

The following (back side) is the design of jiahe, [5] ancient said the growth of strange grass, the ancients to it as an auspicious sign. Also refers to the growing rice. Dian out of the book · the life of the micro son: "tang shu he, different mu with ying, dedicated to the son of heaven. Cast on the coin implies that the country attaches importance to agriculture and mulberry, to the people's livelihood; Its another thought takes its homophony of home and means "home and everything";

After the establishment of the republic of China, the silver dollar circulation situation is chaotic, various types, color is different, difficult to unify the management, the ministry of finance in the third year of the republic of China promulgated the "regulations of the republic of China currency", rectify the unified currency, the provisions of the third year of the yuan shikai head silver dollar for the standard currency. There are one yuan, yuan, two jiao, one dime equivalent, version without signature, 185 lines, 179 lines

On the coinage of the government has a peaceful and prosperous, auspicious and wishful vision, folk collection, meaning "home and everything" auspicious treasure, so it has a high value of collection and research.


标签: coin yuan 银币

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上一篇: 北京市金融交易所(与改革开放同行丨三十年金融改革发展的华夏样本) 下一篇: bch币(数据公司:此次BCH上涨主要由稳定币&场外法币流入推动)
